(em)Bodied Animal Training


Date: Performance with sculptures, Saturday 1 June, 18:00
Location: Tiny Park site, beside OPI Lab
Duration: 10 minutes

Natalie Blom and Federico Godino have been collaborating in their attempts to shift perspective – or depict an imagined shift in perspective – from human focus to a beyond-human focus. Drawing reference from Donna Haraway and looking at the species resident in Lövholmen and Gröndal, their starting point was to consider what “devices” could destabilize our human gaze. They create animal sculptures which become playful symbols for the (im)possibility of seeing the world through the eyes of another species.

The animal sculptures will be distributed throughout the neighborhood daily 12:00-17:00 and then on site at the Tiny Park 18:00-22:00. On Saturday, the devices will be activated through a performance at 18:00 at the Tiny Park.

Natalie Blom also presents a drawing of Lövholmen, mapping the species that inhabit the area.