Fog of Horns

Date: Saturday 1 June, 9:30
Meeting point: OPI Lab, Gröndalsvägen 1
Duration: 45 minutes

Fog of Horns is a multi-site listening session led by artist and educator Stefan Pedersen. Participants are invited to join in an experimental sound experience based on calling and listening. The group will distribute themselves in the neighborhood, each using a foghorn to follow a score and listen to the sound’s reverberation, in the industrial site and by the water. The scores consist of patterns of alarms and notifications including alarm clocks, signals indicating workers begin their shift or take a break, morse code, air sirens, ship signals, etc.

A short introductory workshop will precede the listening session, where participants will receive instructions and can practice blowing a foghorn. No prior experience is needed.

There are limited places for horn blowers. Others are welcome to listen in!

Send an email to Stefan at  stef.ped {a} if you want to blow a horn!