Federico Godino is a researcher, architect and artist based in Milan. He was assistant curator at the Triennale Museum in Milan. From 2019 to 2023 he worked at Stefano Boeri Architetti in research and landscape department. In 2020 he curated the programme of the Zones Portuaires festival (Genoa, Italy). From 2020 he is teaching assistant and tutor at the Politecnico di Milano. In 2022, together with Ilaria Brianti, he founded Landscapes for Holidays. As Landscapes for Holidays, he organised in San Terenzo (Italy)  an exhibition in 2022 and Beyond Holidays in 2023 a three day art festival, commissioned by the Italian Ministry of Culture. With Landscapes for Holidays he was invited at LINA 2023 conference in Copenhagen. His video research "Cobalt Blue" was shown in the Climate Wunderkammer at the 2023 Venice Architecture Biennale: the work consisted of an investigation on the global cobalt economy and the consequences in northern Italy’s abandoned mines. He published scientific articles on urbanism and landscape for ISOCARP, OFFICINA and Italian Society of Urbanists (SIU). From 2023 he collaborates with the architecture magazine Koozarch as responsible for research on built environment. In 2024 with Forme Tentative he co-designed Scamp! an artistic installation for Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome. His work reflects on power relations underlying processes of landscape creation and alteration.

(em)Bodied Animal Training

Audiowalk With Bat Encounters



