Wesley Taylor is a print maker, designer, musician, animator, educator, mentor, and curator. He roots his practice in performance and social justice. He is one of the owners of The Talking Dolls Studio, and facilitates artists development around the world. He roots his practice in performance and social justice. His work combines, oscillates between, and blurs these different disciplines. His work is multi-discipinary as well as anti-disciplinary. His work is inextricably linked to his constellation of collectives and networks he has formed over 20 years. Those collectives include: Complex Movements, Talking Dolls Detroit, Design Justice Network, Athletic Mic League, and All Faux Everythings. His work is inspired by elder knowledge, complex science, 90s underground hip hop, punk aesthetics, and science fiction. He is an associate professor at Wayne State University and splits his time between Detroit, and Stockholm Sweden where he is a fellow in the OPI (Of Public Interest) Lab at the Kungl. Konsthögskolan.

Falsework (Enabling Structures)
Sound graffiti
Spooky Soundz
Live sound sculpture




